Have you been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis?
Trial Information:
The INSPIRE 1 trial by SunPharma will test how effective, safe and tolerable the study drug, tildrakizumab, is compared to placebo in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Tildrakizumab is an antibody being tested or used for different conditions such as psoriatic arthritis.These are conditions related to how your immune system is functioning. An antibody is a protein made by the body’s immune (defense) system to fight infection by binding other proteins and molecules.
This trial is running at three of our affiliate research sites:
- Orland Park, IL (Dr. Cory Conniff)
- Schaumburg, IL (Dr. Kamran Chaudhary)
- Skokie, IL (Dr. Robert Hozman)
We are currently accepting new patients for this study.
For more information on this clinical trial, please call us at 847-691-3856 and ask to speak to our recruiter Maria.
Study Protocol: TILD-19-07